To reset your password when you are not logged in:
- To reset your password when you are not logged in, go to the home screen and select “Menu” in the top-right-hand corner
- Select “Log in”
- Select “ Reset password” at the bottom of the screen
- Here, please enter the email address you used to create a profile and then select “Reset password”
- You will receive a pop-up that says an email has been sent to your email address
- Next, go into your emails please also check your junk inbox
- From here, you can either select where it says “click here” or copy the link into your browser
- This will take you to where you can type in your new password
- The password needs to be at least 6 characters long
- Select “Save changes”
- From here, go back into the app and login with your new password
To change your password whilst you are already logged in:
- From the home screen, select “Menu” in the top-right-hand corner
- Select “Manage my profile”
- Select the pencil next to your password and type in a new password
- Select “Save”
- You will then see a pop-up that says “Your profile has been updated”
Please click here to watch a video tutorial on how to reset your password.